Al Ostoora Contracting

/Al Ostoora Contracting


Al Ostoora Contracting L.L.C was establisted on 2008 in Dubai U.A.E, with different name and changes its name and partner with a new name in 2011. Over the years, Al Ostoora Contracting L.L.C have grown into one of the largest Contracting Companies in the Middle East that strives to provide ultimate Client’s satisfaction through professional services that meet international standards.We believe that Quality, Honesty, Sincerity and Commitment are the pillars of our Company, which have been the winning philosophy of our continuous success.

Al Ostoora recognizes and highly treasure on these values and principles that serves as cornerstones of our success. Selecting the right professional services firm – one with the industry depth, knowledge, and insight to help clients address their most pressing issues and realize the opportunities ahead – can be critical to success.

An excellent financial & commercial facility has been provided to enable the company to run any type of projects and to finish the work within the reqyuired equipment’s, machinary, tools etc. An expert team of qualified & experienced Engineers, Foremen, Site Supervisors and skilled labours
has been selected to execute and to meet the specification of the projects.

Al Ostoora Contracting L.L.C now is in a position to carryout the contruction, handling over & maintenance of any type of Civil Projects according to their specifications and the satisfaction of the consultant & Clients requirements.


To execute projects with the most enhanced building systems that achieve
the commercial and time equilibrium for our clients while preserving the
highest safety standards to our employees and environment.


Continuously extend refined technical and commercial solutions to our
clients, achieving optimised returns on their projects.


We, at Al Ostoora, strive to become one of the leading players in the
construction industry and try our best to execute every project with high
level of excellence and integrity to ensure that our clients are satisfied at
each level.
Our goal is to provide our clients with the best quality services possible
using the best resources and latest techniques available. Thus, Al Ostoora
aim in continuously improving the business processes and management by
using the strong knowledge gained from years of experience.

If You Want To Know More About Us..